
The Lisbon Collections


Lisbon Blue Traditional

The famous and historical blue tiles found throughout Portugal are known as “azulejos”. Many people presume that the name derives from the word “azul” (Portuguese for blue) but actually the word is Arabic in origin and derives from the word “az-zulayj” which roughly translated means “polished stone”.


Lisbon Blue & Yellow

Azulejos date way back to the 13th century but in the 16th and 17th centuries, they became one of the most characteristic and decorative art forms in Portugal.


Lisbon Art Deco

This collection is influenced by the Art Deco movement which was prevalent from around the 1920’s until, more or less, the beginning of World War II.

Art Deco designs were characteristically defined by uniformed and repeating geometric designs with colours ranging from reds to yellows, oranges and purples and all with a common intensity in the hues.


Lisbon Hand Painted

We love the muted and soft colours of this collection, complimenting the blue skies and seas of Portugal, with a dash of calming amber and turquoise.


Lisbon Flowers

A very feminine collection, some designs reminiscent of wallpaper from a bygone era, other designs naively dominant and free spirited.  Fresh flowing and subtle this collection emphasises the brush strokes of the artist, giving a striking impression of having been hand painted.